SPEED, always professional and reliable for you.
We are an Air Conditioning service company certified by the Environment Secretariat of the State of Honduras (MiAmbiente) through the OZONE TECHNICAL UNIT OF HONDURAS (UTOH, by its acronym in Spanish); which certifies that we have the capacity to provide air conditioning services with methodologies and equipment that take care of our environment, especially the ozone layer.
In Honduras, it is a legal requirement that HVAC companies have this certification and the UTOH visits companies in all sectors corroborating that HVAC providers they hire are certified suppliers for the installation, maintenance and repair services of air conditioning units.
If you are already a SPEED customer and receive a visit from the UTOH, you can contact us and we will support you in the process. If you are not yet a SPEED customer, contact us and we will assist you with the quality and reliability that support our prestige.
Contact us: mercadeo@distribuidoraspeed.com
We are SPEED
comfortable spaces, happy lives